Joining technology & other techniques
Ultrasonic welding
This procedure ensures solid connections between the same type of or different types of polymers.
Joining technology & other techniques
Using specialized dosage and application techniques, under robot-control gaskets and glue beads are applied automated and inline to moulded plastic parts. For sealing plastic lenses in display instruments against dust and for steam-tight and secure three-dimensional gluing of printed sight glasses into medical devices a thermal-curing PU foam is used. Beyond that manifold possible applications are conceivable.
Joining technology & other techniques
Laser cutting
Precise and burr-free cutting inline
Robot-guided parts are separated from the sprue, dust-free, splinter-free and precisely.
Joining technology & other techniques
High frequency welding
Used for thermoformed packaging.
Joining technology & other techniques
Cold and warm caulking
Forming of plastic components
For the environmentally friendly and cost-effective joining of sensitive components made of different materials.
Mounting without voltage
Partially and fully automatic assembly
Joining technology & other techniques
Module assembly
ESD Assembly - Air-conditioned Production - Partially and fully automated mounting
We have the relevant experience and the necessary ESD area for the assembly of electronic components. Delicate processes take place in an air-conditioned production facility.
Even for small quantities, a fully or partially automated assembly process supported by collaborative robots is often worthwhile.