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We ensure the technical protection of the content you submit and your identity. To further enhance your security, please consider the following points:

  • If you wish to remain anonymous, do not provide any personal data, e.g. your name or your relationship to the parties involved. Do not enter any data that could be used to identify you.

  • If possible, do not use a technical device (e.g. PC, laptop, smartphone) provided by your employer. An intranet connection in particular can jeopardize your anonymity. Do not use an e-mail address that can be associated with your name as a contact address.

  • Use an anonymous e-mail address with a service such as ProtonMail.

  • Enter the link to the whistleblowing system directly in the address bar of your browser and, if necessary, set a bookmark to call up the system again later (e.g. logging in to the mailbox).

  • Make sure you have a secure Internet connection, indicated by the lock symbol next to the address bar.



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